A Few Downsides of Cheap Bongs

Without a shadow of a doubt, Cheap bongs have their place in this world, and any young person at the beginning of their relationship with cannabis could attest to that fact. For many people out there, there are not many things in life besides crappy cheap bongs, which are so nostalgic and associated with fun or awful high school days. That’s because, as teenagers, people generally have pretty limited incomes; plus, they’ll likely have to hide their gear from family at home, and that’s easier done with small pieces. Some people stick to their frugal ways for a long time; however, they don’t have the means and a suitable environment to get high-quality glass. Hopefully, this article can bring a few disadvantages to staying cheap, but of course, everyone has their reasons, so there’s no shame in just sticking to what you have.

  1. Your throat might appreciate the increased quality of life. It’s true that in regards to your health, there’s no significant difference in the harmfulness of smoking out of a 20$ bong compared to a 500$ bong. All the crazy percolators’ inexpensive bongs do one thing, but they do it damn well. They cool the smoke, sometimes extremely efficiently, making it a smoother experience to inhale large volumes of it. Combined with ice catchers, you’ll feel invincible smoking out of a fancy piece if you’ve gotten used to your little plastic bubbler over the years.
  2. It doesn’t cost that much to get high-quality. Marijuana and everything related to it is a strongly emerging market in lots of parts of the world, and as a result, the price to pay for a well-made bong goes down due to competition in the market. Nowadays, with liquidation sales in mind, you can find high-quality pieces for as low as 60$ with everything you could hope for to have a nice bong session. Could you keep it clean to prolong that, though?
  3. Looks. If you want to impress fellow stoners who happen to come over now and again, it’s always great to see some nice reactions to awesome glass pieces.

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