5 bags that could complement any outfit

It becomes nearly impossible to choose what to buy with numerous types of bags circulating the market, catching our eyes and vying for our attention. You look around to find alluring gold chain bags, a handy tote bag, or gigantic handbags, and all seem to dazzle you effectively.

Handbags rose to fame in the late nineteenth century as a fashion accessory. However, they have remained functional in society since the early 17th century. Although handbags may be categorized as accessories, they are an ultimate necessity for the entire women’s population. Pockets are almost non-existent in women’s clothing, and this is why most women turn to handbags for carrying their things.

Over the years, handbags have been glamorized and presented as accessories, gradually making them the ultimate fashion statement of the 21st century.

Narrowing down your buying options

Nobody can restrain a beautiful handbag’s charms, which is why narrowing down your choices becomes excessively complicated. However, five handbags perfectly spruce up your most basic apparel. And those handbags are:

Crossbody purse

These bags are the hottest handbag staple; they have everything, and by everything, we mean:

Crossbody bags can easily be slung around your body, complementing both casual and street-style outfits. These bags come in a variety of colors and designs. The chains could be metallic or straightforward. Metallic chains are the new vogue in the handbag industry and are thus named the bestsellers of the crossbody purse section.

A crossbody purse can easily hold all your essentials, like keys, phones, wallets, lipstick, a tiny hairbrush, or any other important object you own. These bags also include a variation called the crossbody handbag. These handbags come with long detachable straps and a carry handle. You can effortlessly remove the straps to make the bag a shoulder bag. This transformation in the bag can smoothly transition your look from casual to chic.

Bottega Veneta or Armani chain-strap bags can single-handedly mesmerize us all. And think how flawlessly they could complement every piece of clothing we own. The luxury shoulder bags are magic, and they can work wonders with our outfits, our style, and our entire personality.

This is why a shoulder bag remains a ubiquitous accessory in every woman’s closet. Typically, shoulder bags come with medium-sized straps that wrap around the shoulders. However, with several upgrades in the industry, shoulder bags now have different categories of fitting, style, and color. These three details can make or break your style, so choose them carefully.

  • Shoulder bags are available in both casual and dressy styles.
  • A leather shoulder bag will suffice if you need a bag for everyday work life.
  • Leather shoulder bags give out bohemian vibes that set them apart from typical satchels by extending comfort simultaneously.
  • However, you could use professional baguette bags if you need a shoulder bag for special occasions.
  • These bags have short straps that barely reach your elbows.
  • These baguette bags display a formal look and are suitable for special occasions.
  • If you need to make a statement, choose baguette bags with quilted leather or sparkly embellishments.


Clutches are the perfect option for adding a little flair to your handbag closet. They are small bags with zero straps, perfect for carrying when you have minimal stuff.

Clutches can be both casual and fancy. When you need a bag for your daily outfits, you can go for sober leather clutches to spruce up your outfits. And if you need an accessory handler for your evening gowns, opt for jeweled clutches that impeccably top off your entire look.

Tote bags

Tote bags are perhaps the most versatile form of a handbag. You need a bag to run all your errands; check; you need a bag for a day out. Apart from this, a tote bag can be used as an everyday bag, a styling accessory, a beach bag, and even a work bag. The uses of this bag are endless, and that is what makes it a fascinating addition to your wardrobe.

Bucket bag

bucket bags are gigantic casual bags that are usually used as work bags. The upside to this bag is spacious, making it perfect for storing large quantities of stuff. This bag complements every outfit, ideally a sundress or a t-shirt.