Seven Smart Tips to Plan Your Event on a Budget

It is a common belief that event planners must be ready with unlimited, or at least a huge amount of monetary resources to make a better impact. While it is true that a greater budget allows for exploration, it doesn’t imply that organizers or hosts with a smaller budget can generate fewer results. For an event to be successful and have the right impression for the audience, it is generally the creativity that matters. With a well-coordinated team and knowing how to get the message right to the people, the event can get the desired engagement and networking. So, if you are eager to learn how, here are some expert tips to help you –

Understand your Audience

Knowing your target audience and demographics inside out is crucial to planning an event on a tame budget. That way, you can think efficiently, spend less on marketing initiatives, and get partners/sponsors on board to reduce your event costs.

Pen Down your Overall Budget

One must not treat events as an afterthought but instead plan the budget ahead. Especially if you are organizing a business-driven event, you must be strategic about your goals and budget beforehand, including the event venue required for your corporate guests.

Don’t hesitate to Negotiate.

When choosing a venue or making other arrangements, one must consider the maximum budget limit in hand. That mainly applies to the venue, which is your greatest expense. So, get multiple estimates for different venues and negotiate for the best deal.

Show Some Flexibility with Dates

It is surprising to see how booking a venue on any weekday attracts much lower costs than paying on the weekends. Of course, some banquet halls, like Claireport Place in Edmonton, offer the best deals and prices year-round.

Look into Food and Beverage Costs

You don’t have to plan fancy and extravagant catering unless you work on a culinary event. With a small budget in hand, you have to look for food menus that are cost-effective yet good and savory. A few simple examples are grilled sandwiches, falafel, cupcakes, salad, and signature cocktails.

The world has gone digital these days. So, instead of planning printed marketing materials for your event attendees, use Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn to spread the word about the event. You can also resort to e-mail marketing to confine to your budget.

Keep a Track

Little expenses incurred before and during the event can drastically add up and hurt your pocket at the end of the day. Thus, you must monitor all the small costs, including the additional charges and hidden fees, to maximize your event’s ROI.