Thailand Broadband Internet Comparisons – AIS – TOT – 3BB

I will compare Internet speed tests for three different Internet broadband connections I could apply integrated Thailand. If you are optimistic about building in Thailand, this assessment will assist you in deciding which Internet broadband provider to select. One of the three services tested uses a cell wifi system that uses GSM Part to hook up to the Internet. The opposite two are traditional ADSL services from competing organizations integrated in Thailand. All the tests were integrated with the same computer at about the same time of day. Assessments by combining 5 km of each other in Chiang Rai, Thailand.

The first broadband type I tested was the AIS Wireless Edge solution. I purchased a USB Edge card from a Thailand 7-11 convenience store. The card cost me 1200 Baht (around $37), and it included 20 hours of wireless time Page Design Web.

You can purchase additional hours using the card. Adding 20 hours is 150 Baht (around USD 4.50). The USB card houses a SIM card, just like the SIM card that goes into your phone. You can swap AIS SIM cards between your phone and USB card. The USB card has software built-in, and I successfully installed it on Windows XP and Windows 7 laptops. I could not get the card to work with Mac OS X. The software works like any other dial-up/3G/4G modem where you click a button to connect and disconnect from the Internet.

The Internet in Thailand

The only truly reliable Internet in Thailand I’ve ever had was on my phone. Just because you’ve rented a new condo or bought a new house doesn’t guarantee good Internet. A guy I met last week said he’s going around to all these apartments to test the internet speeds to make the most “informed” decision. I just chuckled. While some people get lucky, many will suffer through service interruptions caused mostly by electricians cutting corners and using the cheapest gauge wire possible. Yes, it’s cheaper in Thailand, but cheap is almost always not better. The Internet is one thing digital professionals should not be cheap about.


It would help if you had continuation plans to get uninterrupted internet access in Thailand; like many professionals, mostly for online poker players working here, you MUST have more than one service, or you WILL have a service interruption.

The current 3grates average around 800 baht monthly for four gigs or more, around the typical price for a basic ASDL or fiber connection. To get service, only go to the closest mall (or Big C, depending on where you live), where your local providers will have a sales shop. It’s easy to prepay for a 3g service, but you’ll need a contract for a landline connection as a foreigner. Most internet service providers require immigrants to pay upfront for six months.

I recommend AIS (12Call) for a 3g service right now. For 799 a month, you’ll get 12GB plus downloads per month (then a slow connection for the rest of the month). You’ll also get free Wi-Fi connections in certain locations (McDonald’s and central malls have AIS Wi-Fi!). If you’re lucky enough to live within range of the wifi connection, you could get away with just that, but the wifi is unreliable. If you want the wifi connection, it’s 99 baht a month. Just go to your phone company for more information. (3bb, True, AIS).

Internet Connection Speeds

The fastest Internet I’ve seen in Thailand is from a link of a mate of mine who lives in Bangkok. He uses True Move Ultra Speed, which regularly gets 80mbit/s download speeds.

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Why test Edge and not 3G? Thailand is currently caught up in legal problems with wireless carriers about allocating 3G frequencies, so the current 3G offerings are minimal. Unfortunately, the edge is the best option for nationwide coverage. Thailand might be better off leapfrogging 3G and going straight to 4G technology such as WiMAX or LTE. I wrote an article for Network World magazine in 2009 regarding a Cisco pilot program testing WiMAX at a University in Northern Thailand. I’ve had the opportunity to see 4G in action in Thailand and the United States, and I came away very impressed. It is much more of a real competitor to DSL than 3G wireless.

That being said, if you travel frequently, the AIS Edge is not a bad option—as long as you do not require much bandwidth. AIS claims a maximum download speed of 512 Kbps; I received 115 Kbps download and 63 Kbps upload speeds in my tests. It’s not very impressive, but it does the job when just browsing the Internet. I even could do a Skype video call using this card, although the video quality was pretty bad. Audio calls worked fine.

The second speed test I attempted was a DSL connection from TOT in Thailand. Most DSL users opt for the lowest offering, which is 4000 Kbps download and 512 Kbps upload. The monthly cost for this service is 590 Baht (USD 18), including a DSL modem/router. The speed test showed a much lower download number, receiving approximately 1779 Kbps down and 371 Kbps up.

Lastly, I tested a second modern DSL carrier in Thailand called 3BB. The ADSL tested is identical to the TOT offerings, with 4000 Kbps download and 512 Kbps upload speeds. The monthly price for the service with an included DSL modem router is also the same as TOT at 590 Baht per month. Unlike the TOT function test, the 3BB download speeds were spot on. Regarding upload speeds, 3BB was a little bit lower than the TOT ADSL connection that was tested. The 3BB speed test found speeds of 4060 Kbps down and 310 Kbps up.

Please keep in mind that this is just one person’s test. Your results might vary depending on location and time of day. Based on these criteria, I would use 3BB for the far superior download test if I chose a DSL provider. I would want the TOT DSL connection if I relied on many uploads. Lastly, if I needed a mobile Internet solution, I would have to go with AIS’s Edge…although 3BB’s upload speeds were relatively close and seemed to burst at higher speeds.