Toy Defense Fantasy Mod Review

Toy Defense is a PC mod based on the popular Defense Max game, which is available through Steam and modding communities. This mod pack features the most up-to-date content available for the game, along with some cool stuff thrown in. Here’s a quick overview of the mod and what to expect.

A couple of things are obvious right out of the gate. The mod is mainly a hack-and-slash game. You’ll see the same hack-and-slash gameplay you would find in the actual game, but the mod adds a little twist. Instead of killing the enemy, you’ll have to think about defending yourself. Think about what kind of weapons you have and how you plan to use them.

In addition to this, though, a story is added to the game. It will be set in 2512 when the world was devastated by a mysterious virus. A few years later, a mysterious girl appears and begins instructing her young photos of children in Zerg’s ways. As you can probably guess, the people of Aiur aren’t too pleased about this turn of events and send in the military to finish off the threat once and for all. Your mission is to help defend their capital city from waves of orbital bombardment and any troops that might show up to help with the battle.

Unlike most Toy Defense Max mods, where you have one standard military unit, you have three main characters to choose from in this one. These characters include the Archon, Corrupter, and Malorie. Each has special abilities and weaknesses that can be used to your advantage. You can build these characters up as you level up by using skills and attributes earned throughout the game.

This mod features a multiplayer mode as well. You can battle it with one of two friends or fight head-on with a single enemy for ultimate destruction. The mod features an upgrade system to earn more powerful characters and weapons quickly as you progress through the levels. Plus, you can find rare rewards by completing certain objectives throughout the game.

If you are familiar with playing toy defense games, you will appreciate the attention to detail this mod takes to design the figures, enemies, and backgrounds. For example, each unit has a distinctive look and weapon iconography. The background and weapon effects are particularly realistic and beautifully painted. This was a labor of love for its developer.