Children Internet Protection Act

The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) is an American law that prohibits anyone under the age of 13 from viewing any content containing sexually explicit material. President Bill Clinton signed the CIPA into law on December 14, 1998, and it went into effect on March 1, 2000. CIPA is the first U.S.

The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was passed by the U.S. Congress in 2000. CIPA is intended to protect children from harmful websites on the Internet. It applies to websites operated by educational institutions, libraries, and commercial entities that knowingly allow access to harmful material to children.

CIPA was enacted in 2000. It is now up to each state to determine how it will be implemented. Most states require school districts to implement age-based filters, but not all.

The good news is that there is a way to protect your children from harmful websites.

Do you know the Children’s Internet Protection Act? A law passed in the U.S. in 2000 requires schools to monitor students’ internet usage. This means that schools must have filters on computers and devices to prevent children from accessing inappropriate content, including pornography. This includes computers, tablets, phones, etc.

What Is The Children’s Internet Protection Act?

The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was passed by the U.S. Congress in 2000. CIPA is intended to protect children from harmful websites on the Internet. It applies to websites operated by educational institutions, libraries, and commercial entities that knowingly allow access to harmful material to children.

Parents can sometimes ask the school district to install parental control software on students’ computers.

In 2000, CIPA was passed to ensure that all schools and libraries in the U.S. could filter out harmful content.

In 2016, CIPA was expanded to cover commercial websites as well.

The following is a list of websites that are classified as prohibited under CIPA:

* Sites that contain explicit sexual material

* Sites that contain violent content

* Sites that contain images of child pornography

* Sites that contain instructions on how to build bombs, commit acts of terrorism, or engage in hate crimes

How Does It Affect Online Privacy?

If you are concerned about your online privacy, you are not alone. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), about 80% of Americans have concerns about online privacy.

CIPA requires schools and libraries to install filtering technology on their computers, laptops, and mobile devices. It also requires all commercial websites that collect personal information from children to block harmful content.

This is good because there is a lot of bad stuff online. There are more than 3,000 websites that sell illegal drugs, and some of these sites are specifically targeted at children.

Most filtering software is easy to use, but it’s important to know the difference between a safe and unsafe website.

You can use a website like to check the filtering software of any website.

You should look for “Safe for work” or “Safe for children.” If they say “safe for work,” you can visit the website. If they say “safe for children,” you should stay away.

Who Can Access Your Kids’ Information?

Every parent knows that the Internet is full of dangers. Some of these dangers include child predators, pornography, and even bullying. But what happens when your child is in the wrong place at the wrong time?

In the case of children, CIPA requires schools to ensure that all minors have access to an internet filter. Schools must comply with CIPA by creating a policy and procedure to ensure all students have adequate access to filtering technology.

A school’s filtering policy must include a statement that “the school will provide filtering technologies to all students and staff capable of filtering online content.” The policy must also say that the school has adequate resources to maintain and update the filters and will notify parents when their child’s school uses an inadequate filter. CIPA also provides some requirements for schools regarding the filtering policies they create, such as stating that the guidelines must be posted prominently and easily accessible to all students and staff.

What Are Some Common Questions About The CIPA?

What Are Some Common Questions About The CIPA?

Q1. How does CIPA apply to my website?

Q2. What are age-based filters?

Q3. Can I opt out of CIPA?

Q4. How can I avoid having my website blocked?

Q5. What if I have a public library?

Q6. How can I keep my website safe for children?

Q7. How can I protect my child?

 Frequently Asked Questions About Children Internet Protection Act.

Q: Why does your bill include the Children’s Internet Protection Act?

A: We feel it is important to protect children from accessing inappropriate material on the Internet.

Q: How will it affect children?

A: The Children’s Internet Protection Act would require all ISPs to install filters to prevent access to harmful content sites. It also provides penalties for those who sell or distribute such filters.

Q: Is this law necessary?

A: The act is necessary to ensure that minors have access to a safe environment on the Internet, and it will help parents protect their children.

 Top Myths about the Children’s Internet Protection Act

1. Children are not allowed to use computers.

2. Children should be supervised while online.

3. Children are banned from visiting chat rooms.

4. Children are banned from visiting bulletin boards.

5. The Child Internet Protection Act has done nothing to protect children from online predators.


As mentioned, the CIPA is an important legislation enacted to protect children. While this might seem like a positive thing, it’s very concerning.

We see an explosion of new technology, and many are being marketed to parents without their knowledge. So, what does this mean for kids?

Parents need to be vigilant about their children’s online activities, especially social media. While parents can do a lot to protect their kids, they can’t always do so.

In addition to parental control, there are things that we can do to help protect our children.

For instance, many apps allow you to monitor and block internet access for some time.

Some apps even allow you to set time limits; if you exceed them, the app will alert you.